Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Party Ministries:

Ministry of Tanning and Bronzing: The MTB is in charge of all things tanning. Lotion, beds, no matter what it is as long as it involves tanning. It controls all things involving religion obtaining to the Golden Tanning Bed. It essentially coordinates all aspects of the government and has ultimate power over all of Guitopia. This branch is the powerful in Guitopia and is staffed by an elite, tan command known as the Guidos and Guidettes of the Jersey Shore.

Ministry of Gym: The MG is in charge of health. Whether it be going to to the gym, doctors, dentist, etc. This ministry is devoted to make sure all of the guidos are in excellent conditions. Guidos must go to the gym at least twice a day, go to the doctor's and dentist office for check ups and cleanings every six months. Guitopia has no fast food restaurants, in order to keep our society healthy because guidos party often and want to put foods that are not healthy for their bodies when they are under the influence.

Ministry of Laundry: The ML is in charge of keeping all Guitopia clean. Whether it is people or the actual topia. We are eco-friendly and keep the economy clean. It coordinates all aspects in everything that has to keep something clean. To do laundry every other day, take a shower everyday or to just keep the society litter-free and smelling nice. This ministry essentially organizes all dimensions of family life in this Guido and Guidette society.

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