Wednesday, January 9, 2013


GUITOPIA is centered around the principle that tanning is life. From an early age, citizens of Guitopia are daily directed to and guided through the complex ways of tanning from the Golden Tanning Bed.

 Those who refuse to abide by the laws of tanning, will be outcast-ed.

Class System: The citizens of Guitopia are arranged in traditional elite, medium, and bottom classes.
The elite class is the tannest, most fit class.

 The top Guidos, Guidettes, and Juiceheads are the almighty who rule over all the other citizens in Guitopia.

The middle class is in between. They are tan but not at their full potential, and fit but not fit enough to be considered a juice head. These people have little to no power over the citizens of Guitopia.

The bottom class are the pale, lanky citizens who have absolutely no power whatsoever. They are outcast-ed from Guitopia and looked down upon. Until they can live up to the Guido legacy they will remain in the bottom class forever.


EDUCATION: Because Guitopia is based around tanning, people and their children go to to the beach during the day and do not attend school during "normal hours". After the sun sets, parents start to get ready to go out to the clubs and children getting ready to go to school. Instead of lunch, children are fed dinner at school. The school hours are 6:15 p.m to 1:30 a.m. All of the children are transported home by buses and no parents are allowed to pick up their children because that might cause drinking and driving. In a way, everyone in this society is nocturnal because of the schedule.

RELIGION: Guidos and guidettes worship the tanning bed because the whole society is based on being tan. Along with the tanning bed, members of the Guitopia also worship the Greek god, Helios, who is the god of the sun.They believe the more they make the sun god happy , the more Helios will make the sun shine brighter, stronger and longer to make themselves more tan.

MILITARY: Guitopia is fun of happy people that don't need military because they don't fight any other society and no other society tries to challenge Guitopia because they are so strong, the opponent knows they would lose. Guitopia is not perfect though it may seem it. Guidos and Guidettes often have verbal fights with each other but soon get over them because it is such a close society, pretty much family and sibling fights don't ever last long.

LAW AND ORDER :Our Law and Order is called the Partycrasher's. The Partycrasher's controls all of Guitopia to make sure everyone is following the rules of the society. All the authorities of this society have the power to be able to kick any one out that isn't fitting in. The Partycrasher's have the right to end all fun if it is getting to out of hand.

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